31 January 2022

World NTD Day in Kinderdijk UNESCO World Heritage

Last weekend, two of the nineteen windmills in Kinderdijk World Heritage were illuminated to draw attention to World NTD Day. This day was created to commemorate the fight against Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs).

NTDs are a group of preventable and treatable diseases that still affect 1.7 billion people worldwide. This means that about 1 in 5 global citizens, especially in poorer countries, will be affected by these diseases. It is therefore important to continue to draw attention to this and to eradicate these diseases from the world together.

Monuments illuminated worldwide

This year, more than 100 monuments worldwide were illuminated to draw attention to World NTD Day, including Kinderdijk UNESCO World Heritage. Here Diederik Gommers, intensivist at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam and chairman of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care, put two of our Kinderdijk windmills in the spotlight.

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Diederik Gommers illuminates two of the nineteen windmills in Kinderdijk UNESCO World Heritage

Kigali Declaration

World NTD Day 2022 marks the 10 year anniversary of the London Declaration, the kick off of the Kigali Declaration and the launch of an energizing new global movement to end NTDs, “100% Committed”

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