28 March 2019

New entrance zone for groups opens this Saturday

The new entrance zone for groups in Kinderdijk UNESCO World heritage opens this Saturday. From then all groups enter the are from there. It’s the next milestone in this special year in Kinderdijk.

‘Impressed by the speed and the developments. And ‘I took a picture on the place what will be the most photographed place of the future in the area, the bridge over the Overwaard’. One of the first resedents of Kinderdijk that could take a sneak peek on the bridge, which will connect the new entrance zone for groups with the Middelkade, was impressed bij the view.

The bridge over the Overwaard.

The bridge over the Overwaard.


Last days the bridge has been hoisted in its place by the employees of Mercon Montage and Gebr. De Koning. This took place while a few meters away all the walking paths were being paved. A job that was done in the course of Tuesday. Every day dozens of employees are working very hard to prepare the entrance zone for commission. From Saturday March 30th we will welcome the groups in the new entrance zone. Will everything be finished by then? No certainly not, but that is no surprise for a rehousing from such a size.  In the coming weeks the finishing touches will be made.

The entrance zone for groups from above.

The entrance zone for groups from above.

The construction of the Visitor Centre is also progressing steadily. The cellar that has been realized in the Lower Bassin from the Overwaard, has been closed in the meantime. Soon this building will also rise from the ground. The Visitor Centre will be opened on Saturday September 7th. That day is going to be the highlight of the special year in Kinderdijk UNESCO World Heritage.

The view from inside the Nature Cottage is breathtaking.

The view from inside the Nature Cottage is breathtaking.

The opening of the Visitor Center marks the end of a period that was cautiously started when the Kinderdijk mill complex was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997. At the time it was already concluded that the entrance and the facilities were not enough to match that status. The changes are mainly aimed to streamline the ever-growing flow of tourists. From now on the groups will enter the area via the new entrance zone, the current entrance on the Nederwaard remains the gateway for individual tourists.

The new workshop.

The new workshop.

The author