1 May 2017

Millers' exam at Museummill Blokweer is a great succes

Museummill Blokweer in Kinderdijk was the setting for a Provincial Miller Exam. Two candidates were asked to show if they could comply with the demand to work with a windmill in all weather conditions. Ger Nachtegaal from Bodegraven and Geert van der Kooij from the city of Schoonhoven could take a try at passing this exam.

Two graduates can now go up for the National Exam Dutch Windmill Society

After a two year course in theory and practice about all knowledge of windmills candidate millers have to pass an aptitude test. The exam consists of three parts: theory about windmills and their construction, the practice of working with the windmill and a third part about the knowledge of weather. The test is examined by a committee from the Guild of Voluntary Millers. After an hour and a half of questions about and working with a windmill both candidates were congratulated. They can now go up for a National Windmill Exam. This final exam is organised by the Dutch Windmill Society. If candidates pass this last exam they qualify as Voluntary Millers and can now bear that title and work at a windmill. Turning windmills are important for the maintenance of these monuments. Millers are essential for that. Volunteers have been trained since 1972 by experienced millers with whom they work in their spare time. Over 2,000 millers passed their exams since that year.

Millers pass a test of aptitude after an education in theory and practice.

To proof to the world that you are in fact a miller

To proof to the world that you are in fact a miller

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Every volunteer miller works hard to acquire enough knowledge to be a miller. An exam is what stands between the 'candidate' and the 'miller'.

The Craft of a Polder Miller

The Foundation of World Heritage Kinderdijk wishes to contribute to the knowledge of the craftsmanship of our millers. Therefore we gladly cooperated with this day and the support of these candidates. Museummill Blokweer is the centre of the project The Craft of a Polder Miller. Here millers and volunteers bring to live the life and craft of our millers guarding our waterlevels. The grounds and the windmill have been restored to the fifties of the last century. The last period of this windmill in operation for our watermanagement system. Important in that matter is the cooperation ot millers in our area. Especially the knowledge of Piet Hoek, born and raised as the son of the last Polder Miller of the Blokker Windmill.

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