15 September 2022

Flashback 50th edition Illumination Week

We look back on a very successful edition of the Illumination Week 2022.Once again, many people from all over the country have been able to enjoy this beautiful, traditional Dutch fairytale landscape.

Because it was the 50th edition, we pulled everything out of the closet. The Delta concerts were the kick-off of the Illumination Week. On Friday 2 and Saturday 3 September, the World Heritage was not only in the spotlights but it was also a special musical experience in our nature.

Photography course
Similar to last year, the photography course by Marijn Heuts was very well attended in the yard of Museummolen Nederwaard.  Some participants made beautiful photos during the course, see the collage below.

De Kinderdijkse Kater
A special beer brewed for the 50th edition of the Illumination Week. Leave that to the local brewery De Kinderdijkse Kater! According to the brewers, the Illumination Week Beer is a delicious fresh beer and everyone’s friend.

The last days
To conclude this wonderful edition, Museum Mill Blokweer was seen in a completely different (day) light. The barbecue was on and the miller told the visitors about the history of Kinderdijk.

Anyone who was there on Saturday afternoon probably did not miss the Mill Market. The Mill Market, organized by the volunteers of Playground Association ‘t Balkengat, took place this year in the World Heritage. There were several stalls with local and diverse products.

Cruise along the windmills

Many visitors boarded on one of the two tour boats, from where they saw the beautifully mills slide past them from the water. Combined with a snack and a drink in the Kinderdijk café, visitors really enjoyed a lovely night out in Kinderdijk World Heritage.

Save the date...

Next year the 51th edition of the Illumination Week will take place. Note the first full week of September 22 in your agenda. Hope to see you (again)!

The author