14 March 2019

New entrance zone Kinderdijk UNESCO World Heritage

Last Wednesday (March 13th) we had a special guest: Han Weber, the representative from the province of South-Holland. He lifted the last part of the pedestrian bridge to the new entrance zone in its place. The new entrance zone for visitors will be opened on the first of April.

Han Weber: “With the new entrance in this unique area we don’t unroll a red carpet, but a green one. With the prospect that the international tourism will increase in the coming years. To steer that flow in the right direction, is in everyone’s best interest. Because of that the province is willing to pay a part of the visitors centre, which will be opened during fall.”

Representative Han Weber (on the left) with the director of SWEK, Cees van der Vlist.

Representative Han Weber (on the left) with the director of SWEK, Cees van der Vlist.


The entrance zone will be opened on April 1st. From then on, all the groups will entrance the World Heritage site from there. The total investment to prepare the World Heritage site of Kinderdijk for the future is 9 million euros. The improved infrastructure and facilities must ensure that the growing flow of tourists runs smoothly. The province of South-Holland is one of the parties that makes all developments in Kinderdijk UNESCO World Heritage possible through a financial contribution. In addition, various other (local) governments and sponsors will take a part of the investment for their account.

Around 120 invited guests were on the gathering. Of course, a lot of our volunteers.

Around 120 invited guests were on the gathering. Of course, a lot of our volunteers.

September 7th

The festive gathering was also the kick-off of the special season of 2019. Around 120 invited guests took the effort to come and take a look. Amongst them a lot of our volunteers. Director Cees van der Vlist of the Kinderdijk World Heritage Foundation gave away that on Saturday September 7th the new Visitors centre will be opened.

The author